Meet Emma | Founder of Sanctum of Shen


I am a kinesiologist and bodyworker. My work is inspired by the shades and textures of the human experience and the golden thread of divinity that weaves through it all.

I value freedom, connection (to Self, body, other, Earth & Spirit), vitality and inner peace. I was born under Shatbhisha Nakshatra according to Vedic astrology. I am a Manifestor 2/4 profile through the lens of human design. Beyond the labels and systems of understanding the Self, I am a multi-dimensional being in reverence of the intrinsically sacred nature of this wild life.

I am fascinated by the resonance and frequency of words, the origin of the name Emma can be translated to whole. My journey thus far has been one of coming back home to my body and remembering my true nature, as whole and limitless.

Dance, free flow movement, bodywork and breathwork were the portals that led to an embodied awakening and the somatic understanding of the body’s innate intelligence to heal and transmute pain.

Before I started to walk this path, an intuitive insight guided me to see a naturopath to balance my hormones (this was my introduction to natural therapies). This catalysed my recovery from eating disorders and addiction, the reclaiming of my femininity, learning how to regulate my nervous system, and understand the way that my body communicates. I was drawn to explore the healing arts, and my journey begun with Thai Massage and Reiki.

I truly believe that our initiations are alchemical processes - wisdom extracted and integrated from our greatest challenges often becomes our most potent medicine. Sometimes, we need support and a guide through this process, if you feel resonance, I offer to be that for you.

Ultimately, my wish is for us all to live a fully expressed life embodying our highest potential. For us to create a life that supports awakening, resting peacefully in our true essence, guided by our heart, in flow with nature.


My approach | Your experience

My work supports you to connect to your internal compass and innate intelligence.

Through the energetic artistry of kinesiology, bodywork and vibrational medicine, I support the illumination of causative influences and dissolution of stress patterns and tension to return to a place of peace, safety, and freedom in body, mind and life.

My approach is both practical and mystical, remedial and energetic, combining somatic and therapeutic treatments to restore structural and energetic integrity and coherence so that you feel harmonious, peaceful and in flow both internally and in your external world. My intention is to guide you into deeper intimacy with Self by empowering the self-healer and self-nurturer.

Each session looks different, rooted in the aliveness of each moment, listening and responding to the body's wisdom. My work is imbued with the belief that there is nothing to fix, just more to be acknowledged, felt, embraced and integrated. 

I offer you a safe, compassionate and transformative space to connect to your inner world, activate your innate healing codes and provide tools and tailored integrations to empower the embodiment of new octaves of awareness and insight.

Training and Qualifications

Somatic Psychic Mentorship

Zenthai Shiatsu Therapist

Diploma of Kinesiology (College of Complementary Medicine)

OVERE Energetics (in progress)

Ka Huna Massage Practitioner (High Spirits Institute)

Pregnancy Zenthai Therapist

Thai Massage 

I express deep gratitude to my teachers and mentors, Gwyn Williams, Merryn Penington, Zoe Bosco, Isabella Wilde, Brooke Elliston, Ondrej Bursik. Dalia Gencher, Liv Kali, Bella Fuego and all the incredible beings that continually expand my experience.

Sanctum of Shen | Behind the name

A sacred place where devotional intention and practice infuses the energy.


The Shen is our Spirit or higher consciousness that resides within the heart. The heart holds our truth, our soul’s voice, and the Shen is our guiding compass. It is the essence of our True Self or true nature. Chinese masters say it is through Shen that we radiate ourselves into the world. This spiritual radiance manifests as our wisdom, emotional well being, and our ability to perceive multidimensionality. The Shen is in no way bound by the physical body, however a strong and healthy Shen manifests as a sparkle in the eyes, strong presence and a desire to live a fully expressed life.
