By anchoring our awareness in the sensation of our bodies we awaken our true essence.

Tension is who you think you should be. Relaxation is who you are.
Chinese Proverb.

The body always leads us home . . . if we can simply learn to trust sensation and stay with it long enough for it to reveal appropriate action, movement, insight, or feeling. 
Pat Ogden

What lies beneath your aching muscles and areas of tension?

Webs of fascia woven with patterning and programming

Your body is a book of poetry

Forgotten stories trapped within tight muscles and matter

A collection of imprints from each of your experiences

The memories may fade from your mind

But the body, it remembers.

When was the last time you tasted your own magic?

Movement and touch are the languages that serenade the body to surrender




Clearing the way to the wisdom that lies within.


I artfully combine strategy and aesthetics to create websites that leave an impression.

I’m not here to tell you why you need a website. I’m here to show you what’s possible.

Principles for Wellbeing